Wow it's been a LONG time since I updated! We had to put a hold on the display quite a few times, and therefor the buying aswell. A tragedy happened where I live, one of the 2 stores that sell Sylvanian Familes, burnt down :( It was so sad, so many toys! It was arsan, a terrible thing to do. Bridges Bros it was called. They managed to keep the facade in tact at least but the man who did it has been charged. (News on 19/1/13) (News on 22/2/13) The shelving still looks quite bare compared to last time. It has been all placed out (on the shelves) but the front small tables display area isn't quite done. We managed to find these cute little rabbit green fuzzy figures at Habitat at Easter time. They look just like bunny hedges! So they'll be used as our town center statue type things :)
Sorry for the random stuff in that photo xD It was mainly just a reference photo to see where stuff is placed. Its not tidy yet, or had the grass / sky fully put in, just the cardboard under-area :S
Started to do a BIG sort on all the figures/sets. Got several boxy fabric style boxes that sit under the display nicely, using them for the process. Emptied out a few boxes at a time and allocated 1 for bedroom, another for kitchen/dining etc. And I used nicer black studded-up boxes (those ones that are 'created' by pushing the push-studs together on the sides) for families, carry cases and babies. Also put the delicate things inside like paper books etc and small things. Oh and 1 for spare/clothes sets.
So many things I had forgotten about! Families I didn't realise we had - like the Fisher Cats! And the Red Pandas! I dug out a bag full of randoms I had received in a big lot sale, as at the time it arrived, we didn't have time to check them out online. They had been safe in a almost air tight bag, so they didn't get damaged. I think I may have found a few rare ones too :) The Brighteyes Gray Rabbit Wedding Set OR The Gray Rabbit Wedding Set. Not sure which one, but leaning towards Brighteyes because of the Male rabbit's clothes. The lady didn't come with any official clothes, just a bit of lace tied around her a LOT with loose cotton + a sash from some randomness. Not sure which one it is. I have the dress shop soon, so the spare wedding dress from that can go on her :D The guy rabbit's clothes are in awesome condition if they're from the 1980's, so they'll look brand new ^^ Didn't realise we had so many carry cases either! 11 normal sizes, and 2 larger ones with 2 figures in each. Found my extra lights aswell, 4-6 more packets of them (light/curtain combo). Few chandeliers in there aswell. Just got to get the batteries for the TV's! Also yesterday, finished wallpaper/flooring my Photo Shoot House :) It's basically an old "Village Store" that has lost its door, and I didn't have the room for it. So I changed it over to be that, since I didn't want to buy another basic house just to take photos. It sits on top of the display quite nicely :3 I'll be taking photos asap too, just got to get organised so everything's not everywhere like it was last night again xD Part 1 of the other day :3 We had to go into the city and pick these up, as they were keeping them for us :) Been a while before we could get some of these, so it was lovely to be able to pick them up finally!
We're renovating! We moved the collection shelves downstairs into the new converted double-garage-turned-awesome-tv/games-and-pc-room (2 very large rooms), so it gets the best lighting :D Ignore the weird sheet, its just covering 2 shelves we won't be using as it just has blank cd/dvds stored there, and the other side is where the top of the back of the PC is. Don't want it blowing on Sylvanians!
Its pretty bare at the moment, all the furniture came down tonight, sitting in big fabric boxes! They had all been boxed in plastic boxes / workplace styled boxes for about a year. We had a lot going on (with the Reno) and didn't want to damage them. Families, furniture, accessories, the BIG roll of sky and grass fabric, and anything else you can imagine for a Sylvanian village! I can't believe Christmas is under a month away! I got a lot to get done! I've set myself a date of the 7th December for everything to be done. That includes the house tidy and ready, Sylvanian's put into their homes, Christmas Tree and decorations up and ready for the holidays :)
Yesterday and today me and mum went to the mall, and with all the christmas decorations for sale, we grabbed some garland/tinsel to use for bushes/hedges and other greeny goodness :) Also put up a small christmas tree so it can be a pine tree and double as their christmas tree in the village. I had to bend it down a little to fit (as it was too tall before the roof xD) so now its about the height of the Grand Hotel :) Will decorate it later with tinsel, baubles, and of course battery operated lights (found lots this year /cheer!)! |
Kirstie & Christine's Blog, with all the posts and updates for the site and our collection!
October 2019
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