Hello all! I'm glad you and new people too, visit us :) We've had a rough-ish year, so that's why we've been quiet. Seem to happen like that a lot - do a bunch, then life pops in again.
(Not in any specific order) Family loss (my husbands side), he also badly sprained his ankle (its ok now), Christine had Bronchitis x2 (she's ok don't worry!), I wasn't well as well for a month or 2 off and on (a lot better now, like 100%), moving some furniture around, redecorating etc. Big stuff happened in 2019. I hope whoever reads this is ok and doing well yourself! :) We've set up 2 areas for display now. One in the original room, and the other in the hall. We had a big empty wall, and no one uses this hall much, so we've decided to put some shelves down it to house the bigger homes that require more depth than the current line of Town houses/shops do. So it's like Courtyard Restaurant, Farm House etc, with the grand hotels up on top. This way we can use the grass and sky wallpaper again! We both got new phones (iPhone 11 pro), which has an awesome camera system going on, so there should be some good shots coming :) I hesitated before as they weren't as good as I wanted them to be before. Now with portrait mode I can take really nice shots, rather than them just being so flat. I will try and keep posting on Instagram, as that seems more easier and fun to use nowadays, and I reckon that will help you all see our progress more often! Please follow us there for more frequent updates :D Hi all! Don't worry, we're ok :) Real life just happened to get in the way again. But we do have some news!
For Christmas, I ordered us a bunch of the Japanese new Town Series stuff :D We love them so much! The grand department store is very pretty! The quality of the fur, I swear they've upgraded it! So soft and different to the older fur. Can't stop touching it haha! We finished the grass, which is all sitting in nicely! We ordered a train table to use at the front of the display so we can show our new town stuff off :) It was going to be for the baby stuff but, they just went and released new stuff in March in Japan, so of course it kinda got the new spot xD We wanted to be able to move it and rearrange it now and then, where as the older stuff doesn't get updated or additions anymore. So we've popped some of those in the shelves instead. It's almost time to renew our membership with the fanclubs too! August coming up quick, and christmas will be here again before we know it! I wonder if they've changed the sign up bonus figure? I'll have to go looksie :D Some new additions came aswell over the time, and we will be so excited to show you the pictures :D They're very grand ;D That's all I'll say for now hehe :) Grass time! We had used felt before but it felt a lil flat. Wanted more texture :) Thought about model type squares at first but then looked at our units and we would have to order a LOT and that would get very expensive. So instead we ordered fake turf/grass of eBay in Australia and it's about 17mm (1.7cm) thick. It has a rubber back and it's weaved in type thing. It came in a big roll so I can easily cut it with kitchen scissors. Next lot of photos to show you how I cut it :) I first tried it the way it came, and used a spare shelf to cut around. That worked but it was easier if I just flipped the roll over lol. Above is the best way to cut it. I tried (before checking lol) just randomly cutting but ran into the sewed area and it's hard to get through. But cut between them like above and it works so much easier :) This shows the height :) It sure makes a mess though xD And this is just what's on the shelf after working a few bits lol. Vacuum gets it up easy :)
Kirstie & Christine's Blog, with all the posts and updates for the site and our collection!
October 2019
Categories(Will be adding catagories to all entries soon)